Nice sunset!
Nice sunset!
Am I cute?
Am I cute?
Fun with the boys!
Fun with the boys!
Punch you!
Punch you!
We are superman!
We are superman!
Sunset in wetlands!
Sunset in wetlands!
Posing at fun village!
Posing at fun village!
Funny uncle!
Funny uncle!
Photo with mama in this beautiful village
Photo with mama in this beautiful village


Even the floor is so pretty!
Even the floor is so pretty!
Playing with the ukelele
Playing with the ukelele
Cheeky boys
Cheeky boys
I'm the cutest!
I’m the cutest!
Peace with Gor Gor
Peace with Gor Gor
I get some cards from the artist!
I get some cards from the artist!
Having a stroll amongst the flowers with mama!
Having a stroll amongst the flowers with mama!
We are in Tai Chung!
We are in Tai Chung!
The flower is so pretty!
The flower is so pretty!


Ge ge trying to be funny!
Ge ge trying to be funny!
I was tired. So papa carried me!
I was tired. So papa carried me!
Nai Nai!
Nai Nai!
We went to check out flowers!
We went to check out flowers!
I got mu own shades!
I got mu own shades!
Another one!
Another one!
Wa... Here is so pretty!
Wa… Here is so pretty!
Forming a line!
Forming a line!
So many wind mills!
So many wind mills!
Mama trying to be a wind mill!
Mama trying to be a wind mill!
Gege and Aiden taking a photo!
Gege and Aiden taking a photo!
We are taking a boat!
We are taking a boat!
Enjoying the sun!
Enjoying the sun!
Photo in the boat with mama and nai nai
Photo in the boat with mama and nai nai
I fell down yesterday!
I fell down yesterday!
Having fun in the amusement park!
I can’t take many of the rides!
Aiden love this ride!
Ge ge as well! They took 4 times!
I can take this!
Ge ge chose a horse!
Aiden too!
Nai nai took the ride with me!
Ge ge has a nice smile!
Aiden having fun!
The boys took the train!
The boys took the train!
Papa and gege took a photo!
Papa and gege took a photo!
Check out the xmas tree!
Check out the xmas tree!
We went to check out Taiwanese guards
We went to check out Taiwanese guards
I also want one photo!
I also want one photo!
It is raining!
It is raining!
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